A Quiet Corner during Still Life Morning March 2025
mixed media
By Margaret L
By Kate B
Mike B
Oil on Canvas
By Bronwyn
Kate Beatty
Neo-colour wax pastels
By Alan
Coloured pencils
By Lorna L
Coloured pencil on Drafting Film.
By Sue P
Coloured Pencils
Acrylic on paper
By Karen P
In honour of a friend
By Jane D
Watercolour by Mike B
Bitrthday card, Felt pens
Lorna L
Christine S
Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun, was a French painter who specialized in portrait painting, in the late 18th and early 19th centuries
Collage by Susannah G
By Linda F
Pastel Marilyn
Pen & Watercolour
by Jane D
Mixed Media
By Alan D
A pastel on pastelmat paper
By Christine L
Executed and submitted from Portugal
Inspired by Mike Bernard “Collage, Colour and Texture in Painting”
By Sue H
By Marilyn
Caro B
Sketch by Mike B
by Anne B
Mixed Media Collage
by Susan Handley
Acrylic and watercolour Pencil
By Anne B
Mike Berry
Pastel/Mixed media
Margaret L
Anne B
Sue Petty
Pencil on Watercolour Paper.
Lorna Llewellyn
Strathmore Grey Paper
Pencil and white pastel
Anne Bown
By Polly
by Marilyn
Chris Tappenham
Monday 14th October
Curtis T
Eva P
Inspired by Geoff Kersey
By Mike B
By Eva P
by Carlina
Christine Lyles
Joanne C
By Carlina
By Bronwen
( without the monster 😋 ,)
Watercolour Mike Berry
by Joanne C
Pastel by Marilyn
Again from France
By Betty
Pen and coloured pencil
by Ann K
From France
BY Betty
By Betty W
Watercolour and Pastel
By Marilyn W
Charcoal on Paper
by Susan Handley.
By Caro B
(Based on a workshop at Nymans Gardens with John Thompson)
Jill N
Jane D
Coloured pencil on Clairefontaine Pastelmat
A Pastel
Still life in pastel
Watercolour on Hot Press Paper
by Sue P
Watercolour and pastel
by Alan D
by Paul
A pastel by Marilyn
by Margaret L
Sue Handley
Acrylic on a wooden board
test piece by Sue P
Coloured pencil on Pastelmat.
Acrylic on wooden board
By Susan H
Mixed media
Media Brusho
watercolour and pastel
Alan D
Coloured Pencil on Hot Pressed Paper
By Paul
By Jill N
Water colour
By Caro
Pastel By Marilyn
Watercolour by Caro
Au Plein Air
lorna L
By Linda L
Acrylic on canvas
Susan H
By Chris Lyles
This could be by no one than our old friend, Ian Crump, now in West Chiltington.
Watercolour in anticipation of the forth coming Olympics
Mixed media. Oil and oil pastels on board, 20" x 30",
By Bronwen S
By lyndsey S
Clare Buckle's workshop
june 24
jun 24
Linda L
June 24
Experimenting with my Inktense Watercolour Pencils
Fiona B
May 24
acrylic on canvas
Acouple of card designs by Lorna L
In gouache and black pen
Watercolour on Hot-pressed paper.
An experiment in watercolour and charcoal
Paul S
A quick watercolour by Betty
Pen & Ink by Linda L
Watercolour by Alan D
charcoal and watercolour.
By Fiona B
- mixed media.
Pastel & Acrilic
By Christine S
mixed media.
Coloured pencil on Hot-pressed paper.
Acrylic and Mixed Media
By Mike Berry
A small pen and ink study. Poppies on the Downs
by Linda L
Watercolour by Margaret L
acrylics on board
By Joanne C
A take on art at Rockwater -
Acrylic and mixed media
by Jill N
watercolour and ink
acrylics on canvas
Pencil drawings by Lorna
Apr 24
Pen and pencils
Pencil drawing by Lorna R
By Ann Bown
By Lyndsey
Coloured pencil on drafting film
Ann Bown
By Susannah
Watercolour by Betty
Watercolour and wax resist
Ann B
Lyndsey S
Mike Berry's entry for Leisure Painters's May challenge entitled ' Bluebells '
Coloured Pencil with Pen
Ann Knowler
Watercolour By Betty
Mar 24
By Sylvia B watercolour
Wax pastel watercolour acrylic
Alan says-"soft pencil, then wax crayon, watercolour, felt tip, pastel andpencil"
March 24
Water colour by Marilyn
Winner of Newick Horticulture Society Watercolour section
Lioncut Linda L
Lino print Linda L
Mixed media Collage by Lorna L
Multi media
Sue H
By Ann K
Mixed Media by Margaret L
Susannah G
A Watercolour by Caro
Mixed Media/Collage
by Susan H
Coloured pencils on Drafting Film. by Sue P
Marilyn W
mar 24
Watercolour and Brusho
In oil by Bronwen S
Watercolour and ink
Watrecolour By Betty
Mixed Media By Alan D
A still life morning - this artist preferred to draw some of cnpg members
Hogob's figure drawing session
Ferb 2024
Presentation of a cheque from CNPG fund raising at our exhibition to St Peter & St James Hospice.