Weekly Topics have included -:- A queue of trucks, White Cliffs, A surprised Turkey , trawler person, Eddie Mercx, a pigeon clock, ‘stunned’ pigeon, a ferry leaving port, the garden wall, a Jet-Ski, Historic writing equipment, the cat, A Padlock, A bag of nuts, A haggis (dead or alive), Lesser Crested Ground Squirrel (or close relative)• A white house, • A wall of lawyers, A Big Red Chair, The Windy Day, A Bottle of Sanitiser, or four, Pencil & Sharpener , Autumn Leaves, Fishing, a layer cake, a circuit breaker, three wise men [or women], cat on a mat, The abandoned presidential pushbike, A Hospital window, My first car, a golf club, A Cricetomys gambianus , An empty front bench, green or otherwise, A pint of beer – half-full, or half empty- Dead Headings - A Brown paper bag.border, national or flora, Herr Shrodinger and/or his Cat ,A Bill (Government ) orTesco or bipedal) Fish, An Abbott, Flags ,The Downs, A pile of Books, Masks, Something nasty in the log pile, A Lampost, Duck on a roses, The Take Away- My favourite politician-- A Glass of cold water, A watering can, My garden gate, Chimney pots, A Beach, A Garden tool(s), The Hawk. Who was that Masked man?", Under the Parasol, A bird bath. Something you found in a corner of the garden, Sand(y) ,A Toad (with or without a Hall) Pub- On the Beach - At the shops- landscape -A corner of the garden- Something ornithological most useful object -The bathroom cabinet A family group,A family group Dog’s life, Lamps and shadows, The smallest room in the house- My last holiday-A piece of furniture- The Art Box - A pile of books I have read (or tried to), Reflections in a puddle / mirror, Ready for a trip, Street signs- Sticks and Stones - Some Pasta - Flowers/Fungi- My medication - The Garden Shed- The Blue & White Jug,Washing Day, A Crowd A lunch, An interesting friend or relative, My out of date cans, Pots and Pans, The delivery, Rodent(s), Up the garden path, A head of someone or something, Easter . Favourite electrical gadget, coffee time, the fireplace, The cat next door , Stairs, Waking up, The view from my cell, My favourite bottles.